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Item Descriptions

An assortment of original items and their effects

Swift Striking Dagger

This wickedly sharp dagger is edged with a set of metallic teeth. When in motion, the blade appears to blur as the teeth rapidly exchange position. On a successful hit the wielder deals extra damage to the target as the teeth tear through light armor and flesh. The special property of the dagger allows even a near miss to hurt.

Cloak of Quick Change

This cloak allows the user to quickly change between two outfits. When donned over the first outfit, the wearer has a short period of time to put on a different outfit and re-equip the cloak. Subsequently the cloak can be used revert between the two outfits. Originally crafted for use in the theater, the cloak has gained popularity with thieves.

Amulet of Bhaz'mut

When unequipped, the amulet produces a warm, calming hum that draws people near. Once the amulet has been put on the humming ceases and is replaced by a soft whisper. The mind of the wielder is now linked with the spirit of Bhaz'mut, an ancient and deranged wizard. This grants a bonus on magical damage and increased arcane knowledge, but with each day that passes, the wearer risks losing more of their mind.

Nature's Reprieve

A small ring fashioned from the underbrush of the forest. During combat the user can twist the ring, which breaks it and produces enough cover for two people. After an hour, what's left of the material rapidly decomposes.

Defective Ring of Farseeing

The salesman promised you this was a genuine Ring of Farseeing. You probably should have been more wary when you asked the ring if this was a good purchase and the response was, "Eh, why not?" The ring gives the wearer sporadic and not always helpful advice on future events. Answers can range from "I'd say no" to "Don't eat the chicken."

Charged Gauntlets

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